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Reported Speech

Hi guys;
For those of you who are working really hard this term, here you have the answers for the Optional Reported Speech activities.
Any questions, ask me either in class or at break time!!! Don't keep any doubts for your self!

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Hi guys!!!

Only a few lines today. Some of you have already done your oral presentation. So far they are all going quite well so KEEP IT UP. For those of you who want to know how you are doing here you can see how I've assessed or evaluated you. You can evaluate yourself and guess your final grade. I won't tell you your final mark until you have all done your presentation.

Oral Presentation Rubric
Oral Presentation Rubric anaojer

For those of you who need some extra- practice with REPORTED SPEECH here you have some excellent exercises:

Reported speech: statements and questions(1)
Reported speech: statements and questions(2)
Reported speech: commands (1)
Reported speech: commands (2)

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Oral presentation dates

Hi Guys!

How is it going? Holidays are finished and here we are once more ready to start working! I know I have already said this before but you must remember this term is specially short so DON'T LEAVE ANYTHING FOR THE LAST MINUTE!

As you know this term we will be working on your Oral Presentation Skills. I know it seems a bit scaring at the moment, but don't worry we are just learning so I don't expect your presentations to be perfect.
Hope you found the Oral presentation sample useful and you got some good ideas for yours. If you want to know the date of your oral presentation check the calendar below!
By for now....

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Last exam this term

Hi guys!!
How is it going? I know you are all stressed by this time. As you know we have an exam in less than a week time so I have left some activities to help you practise conditionals at the sidebar where it says grammar activities!!!
Once again!!!



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2nd Term project!

Hi guys!!!

I'm back with some news.
First of all I want to congratulate you for the good results of the last exam. In general,you have improved quite a lot and you should be very happy about it but..... don't relax too much. Remember there is another exam around the corner!!!

As you probably remember 80% of this term grade refers to your exams, another 10% corresponds to the book we have already read and what about the other 10% missing? EXACTLY!!!

However, as we don't have enough time, this term you will only have to prepare a power point presentation. You won't have to do an oral presentation until next term.
I think the topic of this project is quite interesting.
Click on the picture if you want to know what you have to do.


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Revision Time

Hi guys!!
How were your "short holidays"? Hope you had time to relax and enjoy yourselves!Remember you have an exam tomorrow so if you need some extra revision have a look at the side bar!!! I have added some more activities to practise the future.

GOOD LUCK and....!!!!


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Wear Sunscreen

Hi Guys!!
One exam over!!Hope you found it easy and you did it well!! This post has nothing to do with Grammar, Phrasal Verbs or Collocations...

This post is just to share with you one of the most beautiful videos I have found on the net. It has good points to think about and quite a clear message!


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Hi guys!


As you probably already know on Saturday is Valentine's day. This festival is getting more and more popular over the years.
On the one hand some people are looking forward to Valentine's Day all year and think this is a great opportunity to show the ones you love that you really care. On the other hand some others dread this festival and think is just an excuse for shops to make lots of money. What do you think about this? I would love to see your point of view!

If you are one of those who celebrate Valentine's day and you haven't written your postcard yet, you have a nice link to do it

Maybe you are too lazy to send a card and you would rather send a text message. Here you have some handy text abreviations to help you say I Love You.Photobucket

Will you be my Valentine?
ILUVU I love you
:'-) I'm so happy, I'm crying
Xoxoxoxoxo Hugs and kisses
LUWAM<3 Love you with all my heart
KOTL Kiss on the lips
A rose
12x@>--,--- A dozen roses
:-X My lips are sealed; or a kiss

Well, that's all from me now! And if you are a romantic, have a look at the following video before leaving. It is probably one of the most romantic videos ever!

Hope you like it !


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Time to start thinking about the FUTURE

Hi Guys!!!

One exam over!
I'm afraid the next one is pretty close but hopefully it will go a bit better. However we should start getting ready for it, RIGHT NOW!!!!
As you know, in this unit we are studying the future. Here you have some activities to help you with it.




Future Perfect vs Future Continuous

Future Perfect vs Future Continuous


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Relative clauses

Hi guys!!

As you very well know, this unit we are studying relative clauses. They can be a bit complicated some times so it's time to practice them now. Here you have the link to a great website that will give you the opotunity to work on them a little bit more. There are some activities that work other aspects of the English language such as vocabulary and listening... HAVE A GO AT THEM!



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ImageChef.com - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Hello guys! Welcome back!
I really hope you had a very nice and relaxing holidays.

Here we are again.Holidays are over and it is time to start school again. Have you recharged your batteries?Hope so!!! Remember we have lots of work to do but I will try to do it as entertaining as I can. However, you must bear in mind that at the end of the day is all up to you and your effort. So even if you didn't do it very well last term, don't forget you still can do something about it.
Anyway, talking about changes. Have you ever heard about New year's resolutions?

Have a look to the following video!

New Year's Resolution List - More free videos are here

What are your new year's resolutions?

I would love to hear them!!!