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Hi guys!
Now is the time for you to start your presentation. In order to find out what you have to do you need to click in the following picture.



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Hi Guys!
How are you doing? We are about to finish the first unit and your English Exam is a bit closer now.
But don't panic!!!
You still have plenty of time to revise. I am sure you will all do fine.
If you need some extra-help with your revision here you have a great website that I hope it will be useful for you. I will provide you with the Username and Password in our next lesson.

Do you feel like revising? Click in the following picture.
Well, that's all for me now.
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy yourselves!

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Test your level

Hi guys!
You have been studying English for a long time now. But do you really know your English level? Here, it's your chance to find it out. Take some time to do the following test and you will know your real level of English.
To do the test click on the following image: